Who killed Thanksgiving - Jeremy Bryant and Narleen Campton

Narleen CamptonDuring the first season of Murder Comes to Town, "Who killed Thanksgiving" is the story of the murder of Narleen Campton. The convicted killer was Jeremy Bryant. There is evidence that indicates there was more than one person involved in t he crime, but Bryant has not revealed anything on anyone else. His four year old son, who witnessed the murder, alerted his mother to nightmares which is what lead to his arrest. A truly depraved act to kill in front of such a young child.

Jeremy Bryant is currently incarcerated in the state of Washington.

You can write to this inmate at:

Jeremy Bryant 306480
AHCC PO Box 2049
Airway Heights, WA 99001-2049


  1. It was Robert Cody Wirtz's 4-year old son that had the nightmares, not Jeremy Bryant. Charges were eventually dropped against Wirtz.

    1. i hope the prosecutor that gave Bryant a plea deal without asking Narleen Camptons family if they were alright with it gets voted out. Inept, disrespectful prosecutor and DA .

  2. You have all of your facts wrong. First of all, it was the second season. Second of all, it wasn’t that guy’s son. It was a different suspects 4 year old son.


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