Roses Are Red, Murder Is Too Deborah Smith and Gail Smith

Murder Comes to Town is a long running show on Discovery ID, which is described as "Things like
that don't happen here," they always say. These are the shocking murder mysteries that haunt small town America. We'll discover the dark secrets that lie just beneath the outwardly wholesome surface of America's heartland. . In season 4, episode 6, the story of Gail Smith and Deborah Smith is shown.

The show is titled Roses Are Red, Murder Is Too and is described as When a town counsel member is found murdered in her home, residents of Berryville, Virginia are appalled. With the only evidence being the single bullet that took her life, the slaying begins to look more and more like a professional hit. .

You can write to Deborah Smith at:

Deborah Smith 1554830
Fluvanna Correctional Center
144 Prison Lane
Troy, VA 22974
